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Stat Bias? [spoiler-ish maybe a little?]

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:54 am
by herbalisk
Hey folks, I have a couple questions about the stat bias trophies. First, what is meant by stat bias? Is it based on fullstats or substats? Is % bias determined by the formula [Stat/(avg of stats) -1]*100?

Most importantly: I'm becoming very brawny and brainy but have low bravado. Can I qualify for one of these trophies in a stat that isn't my biggest stat?

Thanks for any answers.

Re: Stat Bias? [spoiler-ish maybe a little?]

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:40 am
by trogdorable
Stat bias means you have to have x% more of the stat required than both of the other stats. So for example, if you're going for the brains one, you have to have x% more brains than bravado AND brawn. If you only have x% more than one of those two, you will not qualify.

Re: Stat Bias? [spoiler-ish maybe a little?]

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:21 pm
by Gobberwart
Obtaining all three of these awards is difficult, but not impossible. Basically, to get them, you will need to figure out a way to farm the hell out of the stat you require, while neglecting the other two, in order to ensure it exceeds the other two stats by at least x% (note: substats, not stat points). Not the average of those two stats, but the maximum. The first award's pretty easy, the second one's significantly harder, and the third one is, frankly, a monumental pain in the arse but hey, if all awards were easy, what would be the point?

Re: Stat Bias? [spoiler-ish maybe a little?]

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:32 am
by herbalisk
Thanks for the very clear responses. [goes to solve the formula for total substat]