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Resting with effects

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:14 pm
by Gobberwart
Please read this post FULLY before casting your vote. There are two sides to the story.

Over the past couple of days, a couple of people have mentioned this issue, but there are two sides to it and... well, I can't make up my mind which is better/correct, so I thought I'd ask you guys what you think.

Basically, when resting, HP & TP are restored, and then active effects are decremented. What people have noticed is that, when they have one turn of the Snotless effect and rest for one turn, HP & TP will be restored only to the maximum amount possible while Snotless is active (ie. 50% of the normal maximum).

  • A player (let's call her "Munchie") has 48HP and one turn of snotless, with maximum HP limited to 50 due to the effect.
  • Munchie rests for a turn.
  • Munchie only receives 2HP from resting, because her maximum is 50.
  • After resting, Munchie loses the Snotless effect, and her maximum HP goes back to normal (100).
  • Munchie is very sad, because Munchie feels that she should have received the full benefit from resting that she would have received without the Snotless effect.
This happens because, when you rest, you gain the benefits of resting and then, at the end, a "turn" is performed, which decrements/removes effects and (when snotless is removed) bumps the max HP & TP back to 100%. That's in keeping with everything else in the game and makes complete sense to me - you wouldn't decrement any other effects BEFORE doing whatever the turn requires, so why would resting be any different?

Now, it IS possible to change the way this works, but not JUST for the snotless effect. In other words, if you had one turn of effect that INCREASED the amount of HP & TP that got restored each turn, and we changed the processing order, you'd miss out on the benefits of that effect.

  • Munchie (remember Munchie?) has 48HP out of a maximum of 100.
  • Munchie ALSO has one turn of an effect that increases the amount of HP received by 100%.
  • Munchie rests for a turn.
  • Before she rests, Munchie LOSES the restore-increasing effect, because we changed the processing order.
  • Munchie only receives 15HP from resting.
  • Munchie is very sad again, because Munchie feels that she should have received 30HP from resting (which the effect would have given her) instead of 15.
With that in mind (and no, I'm NOT going to make a special rule JUST for snotless - that's silly), what do you think? My gut feeling is that the way it works now is probably correct and shouldn't be changed, but feel free to share your thoughts.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:05 pm
by lostcalpolydude
New players are unlikely to have any effects on that make any difference, so changing things could only help them. I doubt I know enough about the game to see how much this really affects people that have been around for a while. So perhaps it comes down to deciding which group of players should be better off, and also how much resting people do after they have been around for a while.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:28 am
by jimmyBUFFET
i agree with that statement...i, for one, don't use my room anymore. I have more moolah than most, and mass-buying booboo-b-gone strips is easy for me to do, but I don't like using the turns I don't have to use. I think a lot of us are in that boat.


Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:40 pm
by Gobberwart
Both calpoly and jimmy make a valid point - once you progress to a certain point, resting is definitely NOT the best way to go about restoring HP or removing the Snotless effect, so it's really only relevant very early on.

At this stage, the votes are still marginally in favour of leaving things as they are, but not enough so there's any clear "winner". Personally, I'm leaning towards changing it, even if it does offend my sense of logic and result in resting working differently to everything else in the game.

Meh, will leave this open for a few more days - see what others say.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:00 am
by Elusis
I generally heal use the rainbow springy. Anyways, I think the effect should continue to apply first.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:24 pm
by Chachoregard
Before the update on the resting code was tweaked, I used to not have enough Moolah to spend on replacement snot and just used 5 turns resting, but it always sort of irked of how I would gain ~100 HP and TP and with the Snotless effect now gone, I would really only gain about 16 HP in total so really, I would go with the latter option. I need that HP, damn it.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:14 am
by Gobberwart
The recent update didn't really change anything - just made it display a bit more nicely (ie. shows how much HP or TP you *actually* gain, not how much you would have gained if you didn't max out via snotless or otherwise).

The current voting still seems to be in favour of leaving it as it is, though, ie. restore HP/TP and THEN decrement effects, so for now, we won't be changing it.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:58 am
by Rapthorne
definately of the oppinion effects should be effected before hp/tp

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:11 am
by commandermack
nice pulling up a topic that probably was good as dead rap. :P lol...

Honestly, it makes no since to have it trigger before instead of after the turn. You dont eat the wheatties before you open the box. well, *I* dont... lol.

Re: Resting with effects

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:36 pm
by Gobberwart
You know, I'm not entirely sure what either of you is getting at, but the fact is that any effects you have govern what happens to you DURING that turn. If, while that turn is active, your Max HP is reduced, then that's the maximum HP you can restore to. Once the turn's completed, effects will be decremented, and that makes total sense to me.

Point is... Thread's dead, baby. Thread's dead.

EDIT: At some point, apparently I was leaning towards changing it. Ermmmmm... no.