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Why have I never heard this song!?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 2:14 pm
by jupider
New topic to post songs that are so awesome that you just can't possibly understand why they were never played on the radio.

The first one I want to bring up is the Bryan Adams/Tina Turner duet "It's Only Love"
That song is awesome!

Re: Why have I never heard this song!?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:01 am
by LordCretin
Dominique by The Singing Nun

On the stength of this one song, I picked up her first album and spent (pre-internet) years with eye to finding a copy of her second album, only to eventually discover that everything else she recorded, offered me all the comfort of camembert stuffed with thumb tacks. C'est terrible! But I've always believed Dominique to be an underrated song.