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Change in my programing...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:15 pm
by Ragazi
After this last contest some things have been brought to my attention as I been working on my music files....

I am way out of date, behind the times, living in the past.....

SO here is what I am considering and actually doing as of right now.

My programing for my radio show is changing, to more up to date music. This does not mean I am dropping the 80s thing. That will still go on once I make a schedule. My ideal radio schedule would be two days a week but right now I am sticking to one because of the massive overload of dev work on Paradox.

So here is my new programing rules

1. I will play songs that charted on various 100 charts in the U.S. starting with the year 2000 on up to present.

2. I will be playing songs that did not chart as above stated with the following guidelines.
a. Groups that are still active now but have songs from the 1990s, those songs will be played as a Rollback selection. Called Ragazi's Rollback.
b. Songs that did not receive much airplay on radio OR we charted over 100 will be played at the rate of no more than 2 within an given hour (between the top of every hour).
c. I will have my own choice selection of songs from little known artist that play what I consider good music. More or less groups unknown to the U.S. Mainstream. These will be called Ragazi's picks.

I will admit I have not been working much on content the last several days due to rebuilding a NEW playlist with my old playlist as well as hunting down new songs. This is something that I have been wanting to do for years but always seem distracted by something else. I am also going to be RIPPING every single CD I own onto an external as soon as I get some cases for these internal hard drives.

This comes at a good time as I have been feeling I may be burning out on working on content. Its a wonderful break and I am enjoying getting back into the music I love and have forgotten. ;)

I hope to have enough of the new programming gathered to play for my friday's show and I hope people tune in to listen. Most of the time I am lacking listeners. :(

Re: Change in my programing...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:25 pm
by SportGuy
I'm REALLY bad at listening to the radio. Partly because I'm also often watching tv or listening to my own music. I'll try to listen a bit more though. Also Taylor Swift is top 40...just saying. :P

Re: Change in my programing...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:19 am
by jupider
Here's how I choose what to play:

1. If it has been played on the radio, you're probably never going to hear it on my show.

There are very few exceptions to this rule. I will occasionally play uncensored versions of broadcast radio songs. And I know there are dedicated stations out there that play "nonstandard" music, but there are none in my area (to my dismay). My "rule" mainly applies to the mass-media's forced-down-your-throat type music.

Re: Change in my programing...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:33 am
by SportGuy
Just another "stick it to the man" service jupider provides. :D

Re: Change in my programing...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:58 pm
by Ragazi
Yes but NOT all music they force down our throat is bad....I am one who likes music cause it sounds good. Not because everyone likes it. Trust me my music selection for my new show by any means will be a "standard" radio programing selection of music... just because its charted doesn't mean its played on the radio in your area. ;)

Also I did not ask how YOU do your broadcast... I was simply warning the few that tune in to my show of the changes coming up.

My reasons for the change are this for those that are wondering....

My current music file on my computer is crammed full of music I have collected over the last 15 years (granted I have lost a lot of it) but some of it I don't even like anymore. Some of it is not as appalling to me as it used to be and still some of it is just plain and stale. So its time to give this radio show a face lift and perk up. I wanted the change because I am wanting to broadcast music I have been missing for years. This is stuff I used to play often mixed in with new anything from the early 90s until present day is game. I am also trying to appeal to a younger audience in the hopes to draw more listeners in. Granted if you want to play your music your free to do so but I am looking at this from a business perspective. Right now I am paying the costs (with the help of sportsguy). That is bad for business. If we draw in more listeners than that is more chances that someone will donate. I am not telling anyone else how to broadcast or what to play. Considering my work situation currently I need to do something to help myself out.

Re: Change in my programing...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:15 pm
by SportGuy
I didn't even think of the needing to appeal to a broader audience aspect of it. That is a good point though and I can see where you might have a vested interested in that.