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Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:57 pm
by jupider
I haven't played ToG in quite some time, but I visit the homepage on occasion just to see what kind of new stuff has happened. (It's nice to see an update every so often... ...*ahem*...) Anyway, I don't know when it happened, but TPTMBGs have officially and successfully managed to completely repel me from them. I'm talking about the "Like us on ..." well, that site not worth mentioning that everyone seems to be completely enamored with. This is an outrage. At one point in time, ToG used to be THE site I went to to see what other people are doing. Now they, just like every single other fucking company in existence, want to rely on a third-party e-peen contest website in a pathetic attempt to gain followers. Much to the distaste of myself and I'm sure several other intelligent beings, the use of such deplorable tactics for no purpose other than to make one's "friends" list longer only solidifies the fact that companies that use such pitiful methods don't give a goddamn shit about their patrons, but only live to see their number bigger than anyone else's. It has gotten to the point that Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I see a commercial on tv, there's a "Like us on ..." blurb at the bottom of the screen and it makes me NOT want to patronize their service or product.

Anyway, I don't care if anyone uses Fac... ...grrr... I don't even want to give them the fucking decency of mention... ...anyway, I don't care if anyone uses their site. If you like it, that's great. Enjoy. More power to you. My only hope is that Paradox does not fall into this despicable act. If I ever see a little blue "f" inside a little white box that isn't used in a fictitious or parodic manner, I don't know what I may resort to. But I have a bad feeling ostracization may be a result. And I pray that never happens.

As a side note, I don't harbor the same resentment towards the other popular social media sites, but my feelings about using them in the ways mentioned above remain the same.

So lastly, sorry for the rant. Please go back to discussing killing gazebos and having toilets installed in your rooms.

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:05 am
by Gobberwart
Oh dear. Will you tell him?


Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:46 am
by Blaize
Shh.... He might not notice....

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:15 am
by commandermack
I for won have won things like MP3 players and hats and stuff from companies that use the Fac... thing... so I can't complain, but more power to you man. :P

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:21 pm
by jupider
If you are dancing around the fact that there is a Paradox page on The-site-not-worth-mentioning, then that wouldn't bother me. Only if the Paradox site itself spammed you to visit it would I get upset.

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:37 pm
by Cowboy
I stopped liking KoL awhile ago.

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:56 am
by Gobberwart
commandermack wrote:I for won have won things like MP3 players and hats and stuff from companies that use the Fac... thing... so I can't complain, but more power to you man. :P
Same here, we won a barbeque from a beer company through there just a month or so back (which reminds me, that thing NEEDS to go on ebay soon) so it's not all bad.

And yes, we do have a page on there. We probably WILL put up a LIKE button somewhere one of these days, but that's about it. I reckon we're allowed to.

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:24 am
by Aramada
Okay, I gotta say, what the hell are you talking about Jupiter?

KoL isn't spamming anyone re: Facebook. Yes, they have a page, (so does Paradox), and yes, the fact that they have a page is mentioned on the log in page SOMETIMES. It's one of several messages that can appear in the top right corner of the page, including: "The KoL staff does two Q&A radio shows a week. You can send questions via chat PM to 'radiobugbear', or leave a voice mail at 623-565-8246 (MAD KOL TAINT).", "The KoL staff does two Q&A radio shows a week. Check out the archive of past shows.", ""Wanna know what KoL's staff is up to? Check out our Twitter feed." (Paradox has one of those too), and "Check out KoL's official fan site, KoL Coldfront."

The totality of the mention of Facebook is this: "Like KoL? On Facebook? Then why not like KoL on Facebook?" That's it. 11 words, in a rotating list of 6 different messages that you *could*, *possibly* see for exactly 10 seconds as you are logging in.

They haven't done anything that Paradox hasn't done, so if you are going to be spewing ire about it, you better include this game too. But honestly, why are you spewing anything? Neither game is attaching any part of the game play or game experience to having a Facebook account, Liking their page, or anything else. Much like Grokly's explanation of why Paradox has a Twitter account, it's for stuff that is too brief or the like for a full on forum post. Or just random drunken dialog I'm sure. ::shrugs::

Gobber mentions that they will probably put up a Like button at some point....gosh, that would be even more "spamming you to visit" than KoL 'cause a button would probably include the recognizable logo, as opposed to just plain text. Except, you know, not spamming at all, and it's also a way for them, and us, to advertise our respective games. What exactly is the problem with that?


edited to remove double signature

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:27 pm
by jupider
Aramada wrote:That's it. 11 words...
That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.

But in all seriousness, I apologize for going a little off the deep end, but I suffer from OCD and I just get irked by stuff (especially little petty things), and "spewing" just helps get it out of me. I've done it before and I obviously need to tone it down, but I've learned through my life that bottling things up, regardless of how trivial they may appear by others, doesn't do me any good. I usually go off on rants like this and I feel better afterward, but (apparantly) I make several others upset. I can do my best to limit how far off I go, but I won't promise I can stop the ranting entirely. I did feel better after posting that, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I surely didn't mean to get others in an uproar, and that sent me back to feeling worse. Again, I apologize.

I know Gobb is more that allowed to do whatever he wants to his game, and I know I can either take it or leave. I'm sure I won't leave, that was just another heated rant. I like Gobb and his game too much to leave. I've met Gobb in person and I hope he wouldn't think I would actually do something like that. And I'm sure even though I said I'm done with ToG (even though I really don't play it a whole lot anymore, unless I'm "in the mood") I'm sure I'll still pop in there every now and then to see what's going on. And yes, every time I see their little Facebook plug, I'll still get a little bent out of shape, but I'll just deal with it. Just like if... or when, for that matter, Gobb puts a "Like" on Paradox, I'll just deal with it. And since I already had my little blowup, it shouldn't bother me at all. Too much.

So, once again, I apologize for going overboard. In the future, when I get on my soapbox again (and I'm sure I will) I'll do my best to make it a little less spewey.

...and zombies.

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:52 pm
by commandermack
Just wait till restaurants and fast food places get digital F buttons attached to their door handles and next to the drive thru windows. Thats the day ill freakin' blow a gasket. XD

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:50 pm
by Gobberwart
Well I'm glad we got THAT sorted! Now I can go and LIKE you all on Facebook :)

Re: Well, it finally happened...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:22 am
by sodafett
Hahahahahahahahahaha, Geez Gobb, you can like me on facebook, I check it maybe once or twice a