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New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:04 pm
by jupider
Okay, we need to get together to figure this thing out because it's driving me insane. So far, I've come up with three possibilities:

1. It's simply a combo of items that aren't part of an outfit yet. A few ideas:
Downtown items: don't rag, low-slung jeans, etc... (tried multiple combinations with no results yet)
Tube dress + fishnet stockings + something else???
Legendary hard rock hat + very heavy metal belt (+ snakeskin pants?) + ???
2. It's a combination of nonsensical items just to satisfy some obscure movie or song reference.

3. It contains a new item that nobody has found yet, nor has been announced as available.

Maybe someone (myself if I find the time) can make a list of all items in the game that are NOT part of an outfit yet and see if we can see a connection or just start trial-and-erroring stuff until we stumble upon it.

Maybe if Gobb was feeling generous he could tell us which equipment slots are used for this particular outfit. (Hint, hint)

Any other ideas from anyone??

Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:29 am
by Cowboy
I made a script to equip random equips but I don't think that's legal to run 1000s of times :P

Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:56 pm
by jimmyBUFFET
I've dressed up as a gangsta, a hobo, and with the stuff from the beginning of the game (padded stick, etc) and no luck as of yet. I don't think it's really okay to script it even if it was legal, but I'm old-school.


Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:13 pm
by Gobberwart
So... who's found it?

EDIT: I know who's found it. Who's going to be honest about it?

Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:42 am
by Cowboy
I found it because I crawled the "firstest" leaderboards, someone else found it first, but I ascertained the name of the outfit from that, and from that it was pretty easy to figure out.

So I was 2nd.

Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:40 am
by jupider
I think someone was in chat mentioning that they had a rather dashing outfit on or something like that. LordCretin, maybe? I don't remember for sure. I looked at their profile and was spoilerized. At around the two week no-spoiler rule mark I updated the wiki.

Re: New Outfit spading. (*Possible Spoiler... ...eventually*

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:55 am
by LordCretin
Who me?
Couldn't be!
Aramada took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Maybe. Yes. I don't know. Did she?
...lordy oggles his fabulous thighs and decides he's at his best in his Birthday Suit outfit