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Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:41 am
by Raiff
Based on the fact i only joined Paradox yesterday, these are my first thoughts...

*Am i the only one thats kinda weirded out by the pictures of stuff..e.g food clothes.. :?
*Anyway my concern is perhaps there is too many clothing type items...i appreciate maybe we need shoes..but why belts and gloves?
*Also i dont think there is really a lot to do at lower levels except well..level up.. :?
*Id quite a feature that tell me how many brains or whatever i need to get the next level, i know its on my progress bars on the left, but id like it in and black and white as it were as well.
*Im aware a map is on the way, that will be really good :D
*Am i the only one who thinks they are more likely to use this as a social feature than really playing the game?
*I do like the fullness bars :D
*It would be cool to 'decorate' your with a beanbag chair or i dunno..other furniture bits..

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:18 am
by SportGuy
O.k. Raiff...since you and I go way back and I understand you'll be able to take anything I say with a grain of salt where necessary here is what I think :D...

1. Some of the pictures in my opinion do need work. We have a dev who's main job is art content who works on this stuff as well as taking players suggestions for pics if you ever make one. Some pics are more or less placeholders i think waiting for an upgrade.

2. I like the clothing system. I'm not sure how likely slots are to change you'd have to ask gob on that. Just remember though each of those slots gives you another potential bonus. Also why I'm on this when possibly try not to think of everything in KOL terms...this game is heavily influenced by them, yes but you'll definitely find a lot of differences as it is a pretty ambitious undertaking here.

3. I see what you're saying here. However this is where i must hammer in the point that the game is in alpha and more will be added. See point #6 for more on this.

4.If you mouse over each of those bars you see it expressed in numbers. Did you want more then that too?

5. Yes a map will be cool. I personally learn by reading and am very text oriented. I played multi-user dimensions for years. Nonetheless, I will be excited to see a map as well.

6. As for it being more of a social feature then a game it really depends on what you're looking for. Some of the people that are playing the game the hardest i hardly see in chat, others I do. I think it is very much TOGesque (the other game) in that way. Remember though as we go on more playability will be added in the form of content and features and more social things will be added to such as a clan system. Remember this game is in alpha.

7. Glad you like the fullness bars.

8. Again I must reiterate the point that this game isn't TOG but we'll see what the future has in plans for furniture additions I guess. I'm not opposed to it. We do have devices which do different things if you have not noticed yet.

Alright, enjoy and take it for what it's worth.

-SG :)

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:22 am
by Raiff
Why do i feel like i just got told off? :lol: :wink:

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:22 am
by SportGuy
While I'm thinking on this any specific suggestions for any points would be incredibly appreciated and valued, just so everyone knows. :)

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:28 am
by Raiff
Like i said..i want to be active and involved and if that means sticking my oar in, that's what i will do...that and serving great drinks! :lol:

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:05 pm
by Grokly
Raiff wrote:*It would be cool to 'decorate' your with a beanbag chair or i dunno..other furniture bits..
You can.

There are devices which you can install.

What isn't present at the moment, is an obvious connection between your devices inventory and your room. But if you think about it, where else would you plug in a non-portable device?

(Warning: No off-topic replies to that question, please?)

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:52 am
by Raiff
These were my first thoughts only..I dont pretend to be any kind of expert on it.
Please take my comments as observations or suggestions, not criticisms. 8)

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:30 am
by Gobberwart
*Am i the only one thats kinda weirded out by the pictures of stuff..e.g food clothes.. :?

What's wrong with them? No, they're not meant to be placeholders, but they are the best I can come up with right now. Personally, I think most of them look pretty damned good considering they're only 40x40 pixels in size.

*Anyway my concern is perhaps there is too many clothing type items...i appreciate maybe we need shoes..but why belts and gloves?
*Also i dont think there is really a lot to do at lower levels except well..level up.. :?
*Am i the only one who thinks they are more likely to use this as a social feature than really playing the game?

We're currently in alpha testing, which means getting the mechanics all under control and making sure that the framework for content works properly. Some things will appear excessive/odd/unfinished, because there's not enough content to support it. There will be, and it will all make total sense when that happens. Hopefully.

Nothing else to add to what Sportguy and Grokly already said :)

Re: Pictures and stuff

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:20 pm
by Grokly

Trust me when I say that your input is valued.

You are not being told off (although I know you probably don't really feel that way), nor are your comments invalid. If you feel a dev's particular explanation is insufficient in answering your questions, feel free to challenge it.

And, in turn, we will feel free to say, "suck it up". :)

Seriously. All input at this stage in the game is highly valued by the dev team so please don't feel like we aren't listening. Just understand that you haven't yet seen the full picture. Nor has anyone.