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HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:03 pm
by unknownZ
Umm ... post away! :D

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:24 pm
by invisible
we need to be able to see the item equiped makes the interface appear clunky compared to other parts of the game

Holopets i would love to see is one that ups OL.. with the low level mobs we are fighting just getting to level 20 is a pain and now level 30 for those high level awards....

and all i want for christmas is a Reindeer Holopet oh yea...

But over all a great new addition to the game...

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:35 pm
by Zammorak
Mutant Orange Ideas

Just so you all know, when I say an ending is dependent on another ending, it means that they can't both happen on the same adventure. If they are independent, they can both happen on the same adventure. This is also true if I use it for things other than endings of an adventure.

I expect that most of this content will never see the light of day. It is written so that the dev team can pick and choose between things that have already been written, making it easier on them.
Picture: ... 0422386066

HoloPet Name: Mutant Orange

Description: This mutant orange somehow got a leash fused to it. You figure you may as well take it for a walk.

Description From Selection Page: This orange looks like it's going to jump someone. Or provide you with delicious refreshment, either one would do, really.

Type: HoloPet

During combat: <name> mutates a large claw, and shanks your opponent with it for x damage.

(Dependent on Bowl/Orange Juice endings) At the end of combat: <name> sits in a bowl, filling you with inspiration. (Stat Gain: +1%-2.5% stat gain per intensity)

(Dependent on Bowl/Orange Juice endings) At the end of combat: <name> sits in a bowl with some apples and banana's, filling you with inspiration. He then hops out of the bowl, leaving you with a bowl full of delicious fruit. You acquire an item: Fruit Bowl (Stat Gain: +1%-2.5% stat gain per intensity)

(Dependent on Bowl endings) Either 1% or .1% chance at the end of combat: As you defeat your opponent, he falls on <name>. <name> may have lost some weight, but it's juice sure looks delicious! You acquire an item: Orange Juice.

Either .01% chance at the end of combat, or every time the mutant orange gains an intensity, either way independent of the other three possible outcomes: <name> mutates further, shedding a piece of orange peel. You acquire an item: Orange Peel

References: Fruit bowl paintings, blood oranges, and the English use of the term "bloody".
Item Name: Orange Juice

Description: This bottle of orange juice looks a little bloody. Oh well, if you get a disease from drinking it, at least you'll die knowing you had a delectable beverage.

Item Type: Drink

When Used: You gulp down the orange juice. It's much better than snorting Tang powder with a rolled up moolah! You gain 5 fullness. You gain 1-20 turns. You acquire an item: discarded orange juice bottle

References: Blood oranges, STI's transfer through blood, the use of strange powder to mix up Tang, slightly resembling cocaine.
Item Name: Orange Peel

Description: This is a left-over scrap of orange peel from a giant mutant orange. It contains the secrets of zest, and beyond!

Item Type: Miscellaneous

When 1 is used: You squeeze the orange peel, releasing it's zesty nature. You gain 25-30 TP.

When 2 are used: You whip out your handy stapler and craft the leftover orange peels into a belt. You acquire an item: Orange Headband

When 5 are used: You whip out your handy stapler and craft the leftover orange peels into a belt. You acquire an item: Orange Belt

When 20 are used: You whip out your handy stapler and craft the leftover orange peels into a cape. You acquire an item: Orange Cape

When the number used is not 2, 5, or 20: You can't decide on what you should do with that many orange peels. There are just so many options!

References: Some people when presented with too many options decide to do nothing at all. When you squeeze an orange peel, zest is released. "the secrets of zest, and beyond!" is a parody of "To infinity, and beyond!" as said by Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story.
Item Name: Orange Headband

Description: This headband may only make you feel smarter, but it's quite good at it. The cloud of zest helps clear your mind of all distractions. The strange cloud of orange zest is sure to help strike terror into the heart of your opponent.

(Only when worn along with an orange cape and orange belt) 5% chance when opponent attacks in battle: Your opponent starts an attack, but they freeze dead in their tracks when they hit the mystical cloud of orange.

Item Type: Hat

Defense: 40

Special Effect: +5% Brains, +1 Brains sub-stat per fight

References: When an orange peel is squeezed, it releases orange zest.
Item Name: Orange Belt

Description: This belt makes you feel quite a bit tougher. The strange cloud of orange zest is sure to help strike terror into the heart of your opponent.

(Only when worn along with an orange cape and orange headband) 5% chance when opponent attacks in battle: Your opponent starts an attack, but they freeze dead in their tracks when they hit the mystical cloud of orange.

Item Type: Belt

Defense: 40

Special Effect: +5% Brawn, +1 Brawn sub-stat per fight

References: In some forms of martial arts, different colored belts are used to show rank. When an orange peel is squeezed, it releases orange zest.
Item Name: Orange Cape

Description: This cape is sure to help you out with the ladies. Granted that's only because the cloud of zest overpowers your horrible body odor. The strange cloud of orange zest also helps strike fear into your opponent's heart!

(Only when worn along with an orange belt and orange headband) 5% chance when opponent attacks in battle: Your opponent starts an attack, but they freeze dead in their tracks when they hit the mystical cloud of orange.

Item Type: Shirt

Defense: 40

Special Effect: +5% Bravado, +1 Bravado sub-stat per fight

References: When an orange peel is squeezed, it releases orange zest, which is stronger than B.O. in some cases.
Item Name: Can of Plutonium Brand Cola

Description: This is a can of highly toxic chemicals known to cause mutation. It tastes great, and may turn you into the next Super Man!

Item Type: HoloPet Equipment

Special Effect: +5 intensity to a mutant orange, +1 intensity to any other HoloPet

References: Some super heroes gain their powers through radioactive substances. Plutonium is a radioactive substance that can cause mutations, hence helping your mutant orange be more intense.
Item Name: Fruit Bowl

Description: This is a bowl of fruit. Unfortunately, it has no bananas today.

Item Type: Hat

Defense: 10

Special Effect: +10% to food drops. 1% chance after combat: Some fruit falls out of your hat. It looks like it had some bananas after all! You acquire an item: 1-3 bananas

References: Fruit hats, lyrics to a song from the 40's (song name unknown), "I have no bananas today!"
Thank you Art_Bohemia for creating the image for the mutant orange!
Thank you TROGDORable for helping review the ideas!
All of the above features may or may not be included. Changes may take place at any time. If you have ideas for this familiar, send me a message via Paradox! chat.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:54 pm
by Gobberwart
It's streets ahead of most of the ideas people contribute :)

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:38 pm
by Chachoregard
Can the HoloPets equipment be shown when you're clicking on somebody's C.A.G.E? I would like to see that happen. :D

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:39 am
by Elusis
Maybe include C.A.G.E. in the right click menu of the chat.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:38 am
by Gobberwart
Yes on both. I've just added the C.A.G.E. to the chat right-click menu in chat (v0.7.12), but the other one is a slightly longer task and will have to wait until I have more time.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:56 pm
by invisible
So a few people asked me what i thought a Reindeer Holopet would do so here it is.....

since its a game all about time and that is what reindeer do make Santa's day kinda easier and faster so would the holopet

1. it would have in effect similar to the march hat in (the other game) where it could prevent the lose of a turn

2. this is what i think could give this holopet a very original slant is that if the Reindeer is your active holopet it would give bonus turns at rollover based on its intensity maybe 1 turn for every 5 to 10 levels of intensity (depending on what plans Devs have for buffing potential of Holopets later in the game) don't want to make it to powerful

3. maybe a minor attack ability when it is active (physical like a kick) or cold breath ability... or other type of skill
one i though of was there would be a chance that the fact you have a Reindeer traveling with you that the attacking Monster becomes stunned in sure amazement... IDK just in idea

4. the final ability of the Reindeer would be that no matter how hard you tried it could not be your active holopet on Christmas eve for it has to go work for Santa Claus

and that is my idea


Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:34 pm
by lostcalpolydude
It could have a glowing nose ability that makes the monster easier to hit because you can see it better.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:51 am
by trogdorable
This idea needs more lasers.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:45 pm
by lostcalpolydude
trogdorable wrote:This idea needs more lasers.
Attached to sharks.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:36 pm
by DrWolf
No no, she said lasers...not "lasers". There's a big difference.

Re: HoloPets Ideas,Improvement,etc!

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:49 am
by lostcalpolydude
Hopefully she still meant the dangerous type of lasers, unlike the ones I worked with for my thesis.